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EFT, what is that?

Well, have a look at this video:

Well, EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. EFT therapy is basically an emotional form of accupuncture, execpt we don’t use any needles.

With EFT you tap on specific meridian points on your body while being focused on your problem. In doing so it can eliminate negative emotions and limiting, irrational beliefs.

Now this probably sounds very weird and out there, but stay with me, let me explain. And for scientific proof, visit this page where I have collected research being done on how EFT works.

EFT combines elements of cognitive therapy, somatic intervention, and brief exposure therapy.

It is an amazing tool that you can use to get rid of any and all negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Iā€™m talking about fear, anxiety, grief, guilt, anger, sadness etc. So this tool is very useful to help you get over your social phobia.

In fact, itā€™s the best I have found in my long search for the best techniques, tools, strategies and therapies…

Dr. Catherine Saltzman: “EFTĀ® has helped my clients deal successfully with addictions, grief, fears, phobias, performance issues, self-image and stress.”

How Does EFT Therapy Work?

EFT is based on Chinese medicine, a discipline of over 5000 years old.

The basic premise of EFT is that…

“All negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the bodyā€™s energy system”.

And when you tap on specific meridian points, while being focused on your problem, the bodyā€™s energy gets balanced and by doing so the negative emotion disappears.

What?! Am I crazy?

I know, it sounds hard to believe, but trust me, I have your best intentions in mind. EFT therapy really works.

It is a weird looking process, but it is extremely effective. We are talking about near 100% success rates in the hands of a skilled practitioner.

When I first saw a video of EFT therapy some 3 years ago I thought it was the biggest nonsense out there. I felt it was some sort of a scam to get desperate peopleā€™s money.

I can remember thinking “Yeah right! Iā€™m tapping on some points of my body and that is going to give me faster and better results than established forms of therapy and medicine? Get outta here!”

I was actually pretty annoyed as I though that people that were teaching EFT therapy were trying to make a quick buck out of people that were in very challenging situations.

But since the promises were so great I couldnā€™t stop myself from being curious. What if it was true?!

So I slowly started to read more and more about it. I found hundreds of videos on it and saw thousands of testimonials from people that claimed to be healed because of EFT therapy.

Thatā€™s when I started to weaken my disbelief in the technique.

Because if there are so many testimonials and videoā€™s, and the manual on the basic approach of EFT is free…

… then there has to be some truth to it, right?

But I was also afraid of becoming too excited and later on being disappointed again (as I have experienced with several other remedies claiming to be THE solution for my social anxiety).

I Slowly Started To Realize It’s Power

I became a bit more convinced of the power of EFT therapy when I tried some of the online videoā€™s and felt some relief. Just a little. But enough for me to decide to go and pay a skilled EFT practitioner to work with me.

This blew all my doubts and disbelief out of the water. After one session I felt much more calm, confident and accepting of myself.

This had a more instant and profound impact than all the other techniques I have found out there. The remaining sessions finally cleared me of my struggle with social anxiety.

By then I was hooked of course. I started to study all there was available and successfully applied it to my friends and family. I took workshops, watched DVDā€™s and read all I could possible find on the technique.

EFT is still in the experimental stages, but itā€™s scientifically proven that it works. But itā€™s not been found out exactly WHY it works. But hey, you probably also don’t exactly know how your computer works, yet you are using it now because it helps you.

Same thing with electricity. You probably have no clue how it exactly work, yet you reap the benefits from it! How about doing the same with this amazing tool?

I am a qualified, advanced practitioner of EFT therapy myself.

And aside from different techniques I work with from other forms of therapy, EFT is the main tool I use in helping people to overcome their social anxiety disorder.

But donā€™t just take my word for it, try it out!

Look online for resources. Try out my online video on eliminating anxiety that you feel in the moment. See if you feel a difference.

Or better yet, subscribe to my newsletter. In the two free videos and accompanying PDF’s you get by subscribing, I give you a demonstration and teach you how to use EFT therapy for yourself to deal with anxiety in “specific situations”:

Subscribe to the free Secrets Of Social Confidence newsletter and receive your “Social Anxiety Destroyer Starter Kit” within minutes!

This consists of 2 video’s with accompanying PDF’s you can start watching in minutes from now. These will teach you some simple to use, yet very effective techniques for dealing with anxiety.

Doing so will help you out immediately in dealing with your social anxiety.

Fill in your name and email address, then click on the subscribe button to receive the next issue of Secrets Of Social Confidence!

The moment I receive your confirmation, I’ll send you the “Social Anxiety Destroyer Starter Kit” so you can take your first steps towards social confidence.

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EFT Therapy To Clear My Social Phobia?

Now is this tool going to solve your social anxiety disorder as well?

Maybe, maybe not.

Iā€™m going to be a 100% honest with you here as I always am. This tool is the best tool I have found out there to overcome social anxiety disorder.

I have successfully used it to coach my clients to overcome their social phobia.

But a social phobia is often a very complex issue. So it might not work for you directly…

And you most likely need the help of a skilled professional.

But if you keep at it, and especially if you get the help from someone who knows what heā€™s doing, results are almost inevitable.

I think you can take some steps yourself towards overcoming social confidence using EFT. But curing yourself of your social anxiety disorder will be a little too much Iā€™m afraid.

You probably have unconscious blind spots, canā€™t see some of the irrational beliefs you have, might lose the necessary motivation, Etc.

A qualified practitioner will be able to help you deal with this.

My advice would be to leave it up to a professional if you can afford it. If you cannot afford it, you can -provided that you take responsibility for your own actions- , go as far as you can yourself using EFT therapy on yourself.

EFT is the most powerful tool to eliminate your social anxiety and be socially confident for good. With my Social Confidence System

I will assist you via articles, audios and videos using specifically designed EFT tapping sequences from social anxiety all the way to social confidence.

From the ease of sitting behind your own PC you will systematically get rid of all your fears, blocks and limiting beliefs responsible for your social anxiety. Try it out risk-free.


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