Yes, I'd like to overcome my Social Anxiety!

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"The 7 Secrets to Social Confidence" Mini Course!

Iā€™m going to be 100% open and transparent with you. I want to help you. The best way I can help you is 1 on 1 coaching. But those spots are limited as I only work with 2 clients a day, 5 days a week. The second best way I can help you is using my Social Confidence System. Thatā€™s you helping yourself. Itā€™s a step-by-step system to permanently overcome your social anxiety. But it is not for sale here. There is no sales page. Thatā€™s because itā€™s not for everyone. Itā€™s just for people that are motivated enough to put in the work. It is NOT difficult. And itā€™s not hard or painful. But itā€™s not a magic pill. If youā€™re looking for a magic pill, best of luck to you. You wonā€™t find any magic bullets here. Thereā€™s no such thing. You have to be willing to put in the work.

For example, youā€™ll need to put in 30 minutes a day for at least a month. Ideally, youā€™ll do it for 90 days. Within one week, most people start seeing results. Some people experience results faster. The results are permanent. And with persistence you can get yourself to a place of being anxiety-free with it. I only offer it to people that are properly educated about the value of it. I donā€™t want you to just ā€œtry itā€. I want you to know the value of it first. I want you to be excited and eager to get the system and start eliminating the building blocks of your social anxiety dungeon. You see, I started this website in 2008. I had experienced such an increased amount of freedom, confidence and connection after using the technique I’m about to tell you about. I knew that this was something that had to be shared with the world. Iā€™ve since made it my mission and exclusive focus to create a step-by-step solution for others.

Iā€™ve dedicated myself to offer the best techniques, strategies and resources to people suffering from social anxiety (disorder). The Social Confidence System is the result of over 1000ā€™s of hours of being coached by the best Master practitioners/therapists of this technique, doing workshops, thousands of hours of study and over 4 years of me coaching social phobics. This information alone will help you gain insight into why you are stuck. It will provide a roadmap to social confidence. Being socially anxious was unacceptable for me. And I’m sure it is for you too. Itā€™s not a way to live. But the resources that are out there to overcome it are limited at best. You donā€™t have to be socially anxious for the rest of your life. You donā€™t need to forcefully face your fears. There are far more effective and efficient approaches (which I will tell you about)

And with persistence, you can be completely anxiety-free. And it doesnā€™t have to be hard or take years of therapy. And there are plenty of slick marketers out there that can write a good sales letter and get your emotions going for long enough that you make a purchase. I donā€™t just want you to make a purchase. I want you to get the results youā€™re looking for. And then some. I want you to have gathered enough world class information to make a well-informed, intelligent decision. And a sales page doesnā€™t allow me to give that to you. Not in the least. I have so much value to offer, that I canā€™t possibly put that on one sales page. So what I have to offer is an education on exactly HOW you will be able to overcome your social anxiety (disorder) step-by-step. For free.

It will rock your world and will help you see that whatā€™s going on with you is not only common, but completely solveable. And yet, it will only be the tip of the iceberg. 10%. The other 90% you will find in the system.
I do this because I expect that the free information I will be sending you in my emails will wow and impresses you so much, that you know that Iā€™m for real. And more importantly, that my Social Confidence System is the real deal. And that you will finally have the solution to your social anxiety. I want you to get to a place of effortless social confidence. EFFORTLESS, that is the standard. Since that is a huge standard, which probably sounds too good to be true to you from where you are now, take me up on the challenge of teaching you how you will get there. Sign up below and I will be telling you stories about clients I worked with in a way that you can relate to. You will learn that your challenges are Universal. And the solutions to it similar. Thatā€™s why I created the Social Confidence System.

Things worked with clients consistently. And from that I developed the structure of SAD and the roadmap to social confidence. Which you are guided through in the system. I teach this in the emails. I share what worked for me. I explain in more detail why you are anxious. How you can overcome it. Why this will work for you. How to overcome resistance. I share the most powerful approaches to become permanently anxiety-free. And a whole bunch of more essential information that helps you finally make progress where all else may have failed. And then at some point, when you feel ready, you can get my system. Sounds fair? Sign up below when youā€™re ready to get started on the rewarding journey to social confidence.