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98. Embracing Change Towards Social Confidence

In this episodeā€¦

Could the fear of change be preventing you from overcoming your social anxiety?

You might feel dependent upon security, comfort, and control, but these needs may simply be disguises holding you back from a life of social ease.

I’ll share how to overcome the fear of change so it will no longer keep you back from the socially confident life you ultimately want.

We cannot stop change from happening, but we can gain control over our emotions in response to change.

Here are some things youā€™ll learn:

  • Hear a story of how I helped someone overcome the fear of change,
  • Learn how to uncover resistance to change that may be disguised as something else,
  • Hear my current example of dealing with and overcoming this fear myself, and
  • Learn how you can use all of this information to embrace change on your journey to overcome social anxiety

Sebastiaan’s Empowering Resource:

Social Confidence Starter Kit here.

Sebastiaan’s Website:

Sebastiaanā€™s website is here.

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I would really appreciate a simple (one sentence is enough) review in iTunes as this is seen as a “stamp of approval” which causes iTunes to know this show is great and will, therefore, be shown to more people who’re struggling to beat their social anxiety.

Coaching services and EFT-based DIY system to beat social anxiety

When you want my help to overcome your social anxiety, get details of my 1 on 1 online Skype coaching here.

To see if my online EFT tapping-based program to beat social anxiety is a good fit for you, go to my homepage.

I have designed my website in a simple and straightforward way to break down the complex issue of overcoming social anxiety into a step-by-step education. This starts the moment you enter my site.

As I share my own story I teach what I’ve learned, what didn’t work, what mistakes I made you can avoid, and what works time and time again. Plus I break everything down visually step-by-step so the complex becomes easy to digest.

As you read and absorb the information I’ve been able to put together from over a decade of dedication to resolving my own social anxiety, studying under brilliant therapists, and helping socially phobic clients overcome their social anxiety since 2009 you’ll also find out whether the program is for you, or whether you are better served by getting therapy.

You’ll receive all the information and insights you need to make a well-informed, intelligent decision that serves you best and that can you shortcut you on the journey to social confidence significantly.

Click here to go to my homepage.

Want to overcome your Social Anxiety
without awkwardly facing your fears?

Start with the FREE “7 Secrets to Social Confidence” Mini Course!

The '7 Secrets to Social Confidence' Mini Course explains...

The 5 Stages to Social Confidence
SeeĀ video testimonials of former sufferers who beat SA. And get a roadmap on how to free yourself of SA.
How Social Anxiety works
Discover why you experience SA, what happens in mind and body and how you canĀ get rid ofĀ SAĀ completely.
The Power of EFT Tapping
Find outĀ why tappingĀ isĀ the best toolĀ to overcome Social Anxiety completely, how it works andĀ tap along with world class experts.
The 3 Keys to Social Ease
Learn aboutĀ the best kept secrets to overcome Social Anxiety, andĀ how to use them on your journey to Social Confidence.

Sign up now to receive the FREE ``7 Secrets to Social Confidence`` Mini Course!

Bonus: Get a 22 minute Transformation Video to instantly reduce your Social Anxiety!
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