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Sebastiaan is an ex-social anxiety disorder sufferer who has coached hundreds of socially phobic clients to social confidence
How to become anxiety-free and feel calm and at ease socially
This is not your typical re-hashed CBT advice!
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In the world of techniques there's nothing like this one as far as I'm concerned, and Iāve looked into all of them, every single one. I think of my therapeutic life and techniques as before I found it, and life after it.
Iām the same person but my results are just phenomenal after it.
Hi Sebastiaan, it's great to hear about your experience, because for a long time I thought it's only me with this problem. I've just recently found you and then started using your techniques.
I already feel the change, it's brilliant and liberating, I never thought I'll be able to talk to people again without going red in the face for no obvious reason.
So it's been life changing and a relief that I'm a normal person after all and not a weirdo, as I'd been feeling before. I'm happy that it worked for you too and not suffering with SA anymore as where would I be without you :-))