[su_spacer size=”10″]SUMMARY
I was asked this question:
“I feel tired after tapping. Is this common?”
Can you guess what my answer is?
Watch the full video now to know my answer 😉
PS: The Social Confidence Club is closed for registration at the moment. But if you want to notified when it open, you can go to: https://bit.ly/socialconfidenceclub
In the meantime, you can check out my product called ‘Create Incredible Emotional Control’ and learn how to tap like a pro! You can get that by going to: https://bit.ly/getemotionalcontrol
I always get really tired when I do my tapping. Is this common?
It’s a question I was asked. I’m gonna answer that right now.
My name is Sebastiaan van der Schrier. I’m a former Social Anxiety Disorder sufferer and Social Confidence Coach. I help people overcome their social anxiety. I’ve been doing that since 2009. I specialize in combining Traditional Psychology with Eastern Energy Psychology.
And tapping is a particular technique that releases neutralize excessive negative emotion. Processes them away from the body. Processes stuck emotions.
And this person who’s asking this question:
When I do this tapping, I feel really tired. Is that common?
Well, yes, it is common, and the first thing you want to look at is, is there resistance to what you’re tapping on?
And likely, that’s a yes.
Yes. So what is resistance?
Real quick. That is your subconscious mind – usually.
Sometimes you can have conscious resistance. You just consciously don’t want to do something.
But usually, when you’re working on your social anxiety, you do want to overcome it.
And so, your subconscious mind is not on board with that change.
It believes that change is dangerous and that the outcome of change and/or that the outcome of change might not be safe for you because of XYZ.
So, there are certain reasons for it.
“So, maybe when I change, then I’ll be in the spotlight more, and I’ll be rejected even more” — that’s dangerous, we’re not going to do that.
Now it’s irrational because it doesn’t make any sense.
Because actually, the change that you’re making in this way is peeling away the layers of programming that are in the way of you feeling safe being your true self.
And when you feel safe being your true self, you’re not worried about the judgment of others and about the rejection of others. And so you can be yourself.
So it’s an irrational fear.
But nonetheless, if the subconscious is having that expectation that you’re going to be judged more or rejected more, it then thinks, “well, this change is going to lead to more pain, so I need to stop you. And a way to stop you is to make you feel tired.”
Of course, your subconscious mind can make you feel tired.
Of course, your subconscious mind can give you all these excused thoughts.
Of course, your subconscious mind can have you focus on the wrong things, have you go in circles, and so on.
So this is a sign of resistance, I’m pretty sure.
That’s what you want to look at. And that’s what you then want to start focusing your tapping on.
One thing you can do, for example, when you start tapping, is just to say, “I release all my resistances and aversions to change.”
By the way, after you say, do you stay silent for 20 – 30 seconds. So you can go back, say that statement, just observe what happens.
Now, that’s an intention-based statement, which comes from intention tapping or intention-based energy process from Steve Wells, a psychologist specializing in tapping since 1998. And eventually came up with this intention-based process, which is phenomenal. I think it’s taking tapping to the next level. You’re going to be hearing more about this, I’m sure.
But that’s a simple thing that you can do.
You can also verbalize why you might not want to change and why your subconscious might be against it.
And so, “I don’t want to change. I refuse to change. It’s dangerous to change. When I change, then I’ll be rejected more. When I change, everything will be harder. I like to stay inside my comfort zone. Change sucks.”
And you can state the truth, “I feel really tired when I do this tapping. I don’t want to do this tapping,” etc.
And let’s see what happens.
I hope that’s helpful.
You want to focus on clearing the resistance.
My expectation is that when the resistance is gone, you won’t feel that tiredness,
I’ve had it in sessions many times that I’m working on something, and all of a sudden, I’m very tired. I’m like, ‘okay, there’s some resistance going on’.
What it can also be is that there’s just an overwhelm of emotions.
And a lot is going on.
In which case, when you’re working by yourself, just do a little bit, just do five minutes. Even when you’re tired, you can do five minutes and just do little bits, five minutes in the morning, five minutes in the evening. And do that for a while and see what happens.
You might need to work with a practitioner to help you through the bigger stuff. But that way, you can make some progress.
I hope this is helpful.
Sebastiaan from www.social-anxiety-solutions.com.
If you want to learn more about how to tap to overcoming social anxiety, to be guided through the experience. I have a Social Confidence Club, but that’s only open every February. We only open once a year because we’re going with the whole group through a whole process. It’s like social confidence school if you will.
But you can pre-register at https://bit.ly/socialconfidenceclub if you want to be alerted, informed about when we open.
At the moment, if you want to take things to the next level, you can get my program ‘Create Incredible Emotional Control‘, which is where I teach you how to use tapping to overcome your social anxiety.
It’s just not a guided experience. It’s a do-it-yourself program.
You can check it out on my website.
So I hope this has been helpful and connect with you very soon. Bye for now
If you experience Social Anxiety, click below to receive the FREE “7 Secrets to Social Confidence” Mini Course!
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