[su_spacer size=”10″]SUMMARY
In this post, I’m interviewing expert Beatrice Alexander who transitioned to alternative healing approaches after 15 years as a psychotherapist after experiencing transforming shifts in her own life.
She is sharing her message of how we all have the power to attract the life that we want. Hear some of what she has learned to see how you might be able to tap into this power to get unstuck and transform your own life.
Here is some of what we cover:
- The limitations of psychotherapy versus alternative approaches
- How to attract what you want into your life
- How to get unstuck and pursue your purpose
Sebastiaan: So, hello, my name is Sebastiaan Van Der Schrier and I’m a social anxiety coach. Welcome to your journey to social confidence. I’m a former social anxiety sufferer and I help people to go from social anxiety to social confidence.
And on this podcast, I interview Western traditionally trained psychotherapist, coaches, healers, scientists, best-selling authors and as well as Eastern energy psychologists. And I kind of try to merge these two fields. And I do that because I want to bring you the best social anxiety solutions.
Now today I’m interviewing my friend Beatrice Alexander and here’s a bit of Beatrice. I’m going to read this to you. Beatrice holds a Master’s in counseling psychology and has worked as a psychotherapist for 15 years until she discovered alternative healing approaches like theta healing. And she is the founder of the quantum experience.
So, today we talk about the transition that she made being a psychotherapist only to what she is doing today, and you’ll find out what that exactly is. So, it’s quite a casual interview but maybe you can share a little bit with the people you know, what you did is a psychotherapy or maybe if you had a specialization and what that was like for you working is up there as a psychotherapist and the results that you were getting.
Beatrice Alexander: I have always been drawn to the extremes. So, I worked in a lot of different fields. I worked with people in crisis. I was on our mobile crisis team. I worked in an office with traditional psychotherapist and I worked with the US military. So, I can probably say that nothing surprises me anymore because I heard a lot of stories.
And yeah, so I’m familiar with grief and trauma. I have a special license in substance abuse counseling. And yeah, just every layer of human experience, I wanted to explore. I’ve been always interested in people’s stories and everybody in the story and the different circumstances.
Sebastiaan: It sounds like you’ve explored more than just the traditional basic psychotherapy to start with.
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah, I was always curious.
Psychotherapy versus alternative approaches
Sebastiaan: What do you feel are the limitations of psychotherapy?
Beatrice Alexander: Well, I do feel psychotherapy does hold an important place just for somebody to go to for support because in this day and age sometimes it’s difficult to just have a neutral person to talk to. So, that is a good place in the world for psychotherapy.
I’ve been doing psychotherapy for over 15 years and I’ve been in psychotherapy as well, so I’ve experienced both sides of psychotherapy. And I have noticed that when you do a psychotherapy you process a lot through obviously talk and then as a psychotherapist you use different modalities to reach certain goals and to change certain feelings into something else or you change certain beliefs to something else. And it just takes a long time to get there.
Sometimes I work with a client and you know we work on something that has been over six months’ time span or longer and we eventually we make a shift into change. You know that shift that takes place like something changes?
Beautiful feeling and then the world looks different, your reality is different. Because something that happens within you with a new subconscious and it just takes a long time. And I always from working as a psychotherapist I always knew that there was more. And then I discovered energy work.
Sebastiaan: Okay.
Beatrice Alexander: So, what I do now is I work with the subconscious mostly and I work with all the energies that are stored within the subconscious. All the blocks that people come see a psychotherapist for or come see me or are stored in the subconscious in a form of programs or beliefs or anything that you picked up throughout your life.
Now when I do the energy work I have direct access to the subconscious to change these programs. So, it happens a lot quicker as compared to when I did psychotherapy. You know it just takes a long time it’s a big-time investment to go through certain stories and to you know, work on patterns of behavior. It takes a long time to shift because it doesn’t have direct access to the subconscious. It has to go through the conscious first and it’s just a long way for change.
Sebastiaan: Repetition, yeah.
Beatrice Alexander: Now when I compare it to what I do now sometimes, and it depends on how complex the issues are within the consciousness. But sometimes really, I work with somebody or I’ve experienced this when I was working on myself, but I changed some programs and I noticed a change in my reality instantly. Triggers are just not there anymore and it’s sometimes just instant. And that doesn’t happen as much, it takes a long time.
Sebastiaan: Right, right.
Beatrice Alexander: Those are I would say are… I don’t like to call it drawbacks because I don’t like to do anything but just you know the comparison with both of those.
Sebastiaan: And I think that’s the main exciting thing. That’s also why we’re having this conversation you know. Psychotherapy is great but what if you can make a shift instead of it taking six months what if it takes six minutes or even six hours or six sessions. It’s a massive, massive difference. So, how did you get into contact with that that weird stuff weird?
Beatrice Alexander: Well, I’ve always…
Sebastiaan: By the way we’re looking so uncomfortable because our chairs are amazingly uncomfortable so we’re sacrificing ourselves for you.
Beatrice Alexander: Okay, I have always been interested in energy. And I don’t know growing up I’ve always been very intuitive picking up energies all only back then I didn’t know that’s what I was doing. It was confusing times at times and then I you know, I went through school. I always knew I wanted to be a psychotherapist. I wanted to work with people. I was very lucky because a lot of people take a long time to figure out what they want to do. I never had that issues.
Sebastiaan: Cool.
Beatrice Alexander: And then I always know there was something more. But I think it wasn’t until there were changes in my own personal life that really kind of shifted everything that I thought was real, when I thought it was the truth. I had a good job and I was married, I had nice things, I had you know, everything that you know people probably what define as successful and yet I was so unhappy and miserable. I just didn’t know it because everybody else around me had the same things and they seemed like this was the thing to do to be happy.
And it wasn’t until I just made a decision to step out of this place and then everything changed. And well after I stepped out everything at first fell apart because I stepped out of what I knew and then I really had to redefine my whole identity.
Sebastiaan: So, just to clarify stepping out of this life you’re referring to “I’m married, and this is the kind of lifestyle”.
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah.
Sebastiaan: Okay. You didn’t like…
Beatrice Alexander: Gave up things.
Sebastiaan: You didn’t evaporate or turn into something weird.
Beatrice Alexander: No, but I thought once I left my marriage that I would be happy. Which wasn’t the case because then I had to really find myself completely. And then within that period of redefining myself I just saw the world a different way.
I embraced more of my energy worker side, my intuitive side and then that started to grow and started to take more and more space. Which wasn’t really my plan. It just kind of happened that way and then that kind of emerged into you know that program that I created. I just embraced the energy work because I have seen how well it works and how well it worked in my life.
Sebastiaan: What was your first experience with it? Do you remember?
Beatrice Alexander: It’s hard because it’s always been a part of my life.
Sebastiaan: Okay.
Beatrice Alexander: I’ve studied quantum physics ever since I was a teenager. So, it’s always been part of my life. I just it was more like not embraced part of my life as much. And then I guess I started to embrace it when I moved to Bali. So, I’ve started to embrace it more. So, I’ve always had the experience with energy work and energy shifts but just more privately.
Sebastiaan: Okay, right, sure. And how about the theta healing? You know what was your experience with that for the first time?
Beatrice Alexander: Theta healing. It just gave a form to working with energy. Like a structured work of a structured approach because I was doing that before but and I guess in a more structured approach. With theta healing I really focused on talking to a person, zooming in to what the blocks are digging deep down to find the core blocks, so I can pull the core blocks.
And when I call the core beliefs, the core blocks then all the other programs and blocks that are on top they just evaporate. And yeah, that is what theta healing is. It’s a more in a structure.
Beatrice Alexander: For someone totally new, theta healing… What exactly is that? Maybe I shouldn’t be so exact. What roughly is that?
Beatrice Alexander: Theta healing works with the subconscious.
Sebastiaan: Okay.
How to attract what you want into your life
Beatrice Alexander: It’s an energy healing modality that has better access to make shifts within the subconscious. But now within the subconscious you have beliefs and programs like you’ve picked up throughout your lifetime that running you in the background constantly.
And actually 85% of the actions you take and the feelings you have are based on these programs that run in the background in your subconscious constantly. And only about 50% of the decisions you make are based on your conscious mind.
So, when I first heard that I felt a little overwhelmed because it seems like you don’t have control over your life and you don’t have control over your reality because based on these programs, these programs reflect the life you know it. They will reflect your reality.
So, everything is energy. These programs and when I say programs maybe I should give an example. Let’s say you grew up and you had parents that showed you love, that they maybe know didn’t know any better, but they showed you love and love kind of hurt. Like maybe they were physically abusive or verbally abusive or maybe just very distant and cold. So, you subconscious might have created a program that that says “Love hurts” or “Love is dangerous”.
So, this program has a certain vibration within your subconscious, certain energy. So, you will always attract the same thing into your life. So, you have this program running in your subconscious and then the use of conscience always scans your environment to attract the same frequency because law of attraction, same attract same.
So, you will attract people into your life that show you that teach you that love hurts. You will attract situations into your life that will confirm and validate that love hurts. Which is not very fulfilling. The ultimate thing at the end of the day is that everybody wants to be loved.
Sebastiaan: Right.
Beatrice Alexander: But this program “Love hurts” it’s just energy. So, what I can do with theta healing is I can bend energy. I can move energy. And not just with theta healing but with any kind of energy modality. You work with energy. And everything is connected, and energy is all present and you can shift it and mold it. And it’s actually not that difficult once you know how to do it.
Sebastiaan: And what to aim it at.
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah. Once you know the laws of the universe. So, what I can do with theta healing is I can with the person’s permission release certain energy. I can release the program “Love hurts” and then I can replace it with different vibration.
You know that’s very individual to the person. You know, “love is safe”. It’s safe to love. It’s safe to be loved. It’s safe to receive love. I can you teach your energetic system it’s a frequency of pure unconditional love because you might have never experienced this so your system your energetic system it doesn’t have it and doesn’t have that information stored.
So, how can you ever find that frequency if you don’t even know what you’re looking for? So, I can teach your system what unconditional love feels like and then once it’s in your system you can attract it into you. So, I can you know work with an engine that will release certain programs that will give you the program that it’s possible, I’m safe to love.
Sebastiaan: Right.
Beatrice Alexander: And the way that is done is it works with the theta brainwave. You know there’s different brain waves and theta is one of them. And when you are in theta brainwave it’s kind of the brainwave it’s that you have when you are in deep sleep. Which means that your subconscious is very open for change. It’s very open for growth.
Actually, children until the age of seven are in this theta brainwave naturally. So, children equate everything with this truth so up until the age of seven their subconscious is just wide open to take in anything that it’s coming in from the outside and all these little seeds are planted and then these seeds sprout into these programs and beliefs. And then basically by the age of seven you pretty much have your foundation and you have a direction already set up of what you like, what your reality is gonna look like.
So, when I move energy I go into the state of brain wave which is just a brief meditation and I’ve done it so much that it doesn’t take long. And usually when I go into theta brain wave, the person I work with also goes into theta brain wave. And then from that place it’s like a connection. I connect with whatever a person wants to call. You can call it creator, or you can call it source. I like to call it unconditional love which is the highest frequency.
And then is a co-creation process between me and this source. I make a request after I get permission from the person to shift its energy because otherwise I won’t be able to do it. I make a request for this shift to happen and then I’m basically the transmitter of this energy. One molecule of unconditional love that has all this power to create all these energetic changes.
So, I basically transmit this energy and then I witness the change happening. Based on quantum physics principle nothing is anchor if nothing is anchored into a reality unless there is a witness. So, that is my job. My job is to witness it and then after I finished witnessing it the energy has shifted. And it is so.
Sebastiaan: And so, it is.
Beatrice Alexander: And so, it is.
Sebastiaan: So, you have you’re listening to this you’re like what the hell is that? That’s okay. You don’t actually have to believe in it for it to work. It’s not a placebo effect. That’s the cool thing about it. And as she’s describing theta healing it’s an energy healing modality. If you think of energy psychology is like an umbrella and the umbrella has different spokes in it and theta healing would be one spoke of it. Psych-K may be another one, tapping might be another one, Logosynthesis might be another one and so on and so forth you can keep going for a while.
And all of these modalities what they do is they are like Beatrice says they are able to go in to where the core of the issue is. And the core of the issue is an energetic you know, unhelpful vibration so to speak and it could for example be a belief. And these beliefs act as self-fulfilling prophecies, you notice your beliefs in the outside world. If you believe that people don’t like you, you’ll find that in the world. You know that that will be a reality.
When you go to the root cause of that that people don’t like you and that might be a relationship with your mom, might be a relationship with your dad, might be a specific experience that happened when you were eight years old and you know, you got rejected by your friend or whatever the case may have been. And you can go in there you can shift it around and once you shift that around you’re gonna experience that.
You know you’re gonna you’re gonna feel different. Let’s talk about that actually. So, you know I can talk about both from personal experience of what I experienced with clients, but I want to they’ve heard me talking too much already. So, I want to hear it from you. So, when people actually make a particular shift, what is it that they experience directly and maybe later on in their life?
Beatrice Alexander: Well, usually directly because everything is the vibration, everything is frequency. And some frequency feels heavier than other frequencies. You know if you think of the frequency of depression that just feels really heavy and we’ve all experienced that probably. If you think of the frequency of joy that is a much lighter frequency. So, I clear blocks. I change frequency.
When I do that it’s just the person just starts to feel lighter. Usually what I hear is that I feel so much lighter. I feel such a relief. I feel like weights have been taken off me. I feel like I’m floating. So, those would be some of the immediate reactions.
Sebastiaan: To feel more relaxed. I feel more at ease with myself, I feel more grounded, I feel more secure, I feel more present, I’m more in the present moment, I’m really here now.
Beatrice Alexander: And long-term the more you shift and clear it’s like you’re on this path with all your programs, you go this direction, you clear a little bit even if you just clear one program you move your path and you shift your reality in some way. It depends on how much you clear how much you do if I had one session with the person it might move a little and they might notice a subtle change. And then the more you clear the more drastic that changes.
But sometimes it’s instant. For example, I worked with a client. It wasn’t just very brief encounter a session and she had a phobia of flying. Like a fear of flying, anxiety about getting on the airplane. It’s a pretty, pretty big impact on her life time she was traveling somewhere. So, we worked on that. And usually when you start with something you might end up with something completely different.
It might not have to do anything… it might have to do with something that happened to trigger a story. So, we just worked our way back and I cleared that core belief and I get a message from her a week later she was on an airplane somewhere and she’s like it’s completely gone. I have no anxiety. I can get on an airplane without any fear. This is pleasant experience. So, I mean those are some things that can happen.
Sebastiaan: Yeah, yeah. And depending on the complexity of your issue as well it depends the intensity, severity, degree to watch your shifting. So, if your issue is super, super complex and you’re taking one aspect of that issue and you’re shifting it, you might only notice a subtle change in your life. However, that subtle change in your life can set you in a completely different path and to stay with the analogy of flying.
If you know I fly to the Netherlands once a year where I’m from and when we depart from here Bali or the Philippines, from wherever we depart we fly in a particular course and that particular course is measured in degrees you know.
And so, if the pilot starts off and he needs to fly 68 degrees you know, he needs to go north 68 degrees and if he just changes one degree and he goes in the direction of the Netherlands after a 15-hour flight which it is he’s gonna come he’s gonna end up completely different country. So, even though your change might be subtle it will start to be a bigger change over time. I think I landed that.
Beatrice Alexander: Perfect. I love it.
Sebastiaan: Alright. Yeah, did you want to add anything on to that or?
Beatrice Alexander: No, but I just wanted to add something that is relation to psychotherapy in energy work because it’s not one or the other. Psychotherapy even without any of the other modalities is also a type of energy work because I know that we all have a certain feel about it. And I mean people that are usually called to a profession like psychotherapy that is their gift. So, they are carrying something in their fields that is related to them being able to shift energy.
So, for example in psychotherapy you are with a psychotherapist and they’re here for you. They’re here 100% just for you and they’re here and they are completely present and they’re holding space. And within that space that they’re holding and with the questions that they ask, if they know exactly how to ask the right questions, within that conversations energy is shifted because sometimes and I can all measure this.
I can always measure whether energy has shifted with something called muscle testing which is a way to talk to the subconscious basically. And I also have a tool that I use that I can do that with. And sometimes I check before I even go to release a program and just by this process of talking energy is already shifted and sometimes the program has already released before I even have to go into the process of shifting the energy.
Sebastiaan: And it’s also it’s vibration or like the presence and the way of being that a particular psychotherapist has and just being around that person’s presence can in and of itself already start to shift things around.
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah, absolutely.
Sebastiaan: My mentor Dr. Dave Lake that I work with he’s also a psychotherapist at 35 years of experience and he’s also a tapper and he know all these energy modalities. When we have sessions however we’re just finger tapping and we’re just talking and he’s just telling stories and you know, he’s of course working all of his magic that he’s gained in all over from all of these years but it’s just his soothing, loving unconditional acceptance that is just shifting things around.
And you know, I definitely love that you bring that up and you know, it was actually my last question.
So, thanks for that but yeah you know we want the best of both worlds you know. We want Western traditional psychology as well as Eastern energy psychology and we want a merging of the two, so you can get the best possible solutions.
And you know Beatrice is an example of someone who’s merging things. You know she had the traditional training in psychotherapy and now she has the energy psychology experience on top of it. And I think it has improved your results with clients.
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah, exponentially.
Sebastiaan: Right, cool. So, I told Beatrice a while ago, “Hey, we should do an interview because you’re making this transition from… let me say this properly. She was in the process of not just being a psychotherapist but also having these energy psychology techniques incorporated in it or you know, should just be a quantum coach or you know, I’m butchering it a bit because I don’t know exactly what the situation was but I’m like that’s a very interesting conversation for people to hear because it’s not so easy if you’ve had you know X amount of traditional training and traditional experience there are perks that come with that.
So, it would be interesting for people to hear well, if this stuff is out there why are not more effective therapists using it? So, my question would be what was most difficult for you like making that transition or whatever?
Beatrice Alexander: Well, a big part of my identity was being a psychotherapist. And I was a psychotherapist in America and I don’t know how to explain it. You have to let go. I don’t practice psychotherapy anymore right now.
Sebastiaan: Okay, so I can freely talk. Like “Can I say that she is no longer a psychotherapist? Okay, yeah”.
Beatrice Alexander: No because I switched into quantum coaching, quantum healing. I created this quantum experience that encompasses all of that. And yeah, when I worked as a psychotherapist I mean I always loved working with people. I just noticed that it was hard for me because when somebody comes to me, it’s always like this big secret.
Like something is I’m dysfunctional and now I’m secretly almost but I come see you. And you know as a psychotherapist well it was with any place of your confidentiality, so I was important, but it was always this negative taste to it that you know, somebody comes.
And you know, when I worked certain jobs like when I worked with the military you know I always want to be very discreet because I’m seeing a therapist is not really something that people usually are proud of and especially in the military.
There is a big stigma to it, so I was like you know slip them my card under the table or you know that whole part of. It never kind of set me. So, you know now as a as a coach it’s just a different dynamic. People come, and they are proud to work on themselves.
How to get unstuck and pursue your purpose
Sebastiaan: Right. Yeah, like “I’m improving myself. This is towards a goal”. Rather than “I’m messed up and I need therapy”.
Beatrice Alexander: As a therapist you are always the expert even though you know, there’s different modalities let say in traditional regards. And still in the end of the day you’re the one that writes the notes and you’re the one that gives the diagnosis. I’ve never been a fan of labels. So, I guess those were the reasons why I did make a shift to the coaching. But what was your question?
Sebastiaan: Before I go there I just wanted to say something more about this because it’s so important like this whole stigma of “Oh, my God, I messed up and other people are not messed up” and then feeling so bad about it and not reaching out for help, that is ridiculous. I’m proud of it you know. I see my coach every week, I see my mentor every other week and I think it’s a great thing because you’re taking care of your mental and emotional health so you’re better able to be your best self.
You’re better able to do good things for other people. You’re bringing more joy to the world it’s a good thing to make sure that you can be the best that you can be. And a psychotherapist or a coach or whoever is someone from the outside who can see the issues that you’re having and who can help you. And you know, we want to let go of this whole idea of like “Hey, I’m this perfect person, I don’t have any issues, my life is always great.” –“How are you doing? Oh, I’m awesome, everything’s good”. No, that’s not true you know.
You have issues, everyone has issues and in fact one out of two people has a mental health condition at some point in their life. And people with social anxiety they take average 10 years before they reach out to actually get some help. And so, they suffer for 10 years longer than necessary. And then in those 10 years they’ve added more crap to their problem, so their problem has grown bigger as well.
So, you know, if you’re dealing with something reach out for help do something about it. You know we’re living in a society especially in Western world where it’s like you know what do you post on Facebook? Oh, all these messages about how great you are.
You know you never see someone saying, “Oh, I’m so miserable and my life sucks. I just got dumped”. It’s just on there I was like “Oh, I’m so happy. The most beautiful pictures of the places that you’ve traveled you know. I’m in love, this is my baby and our happy moments”. You know it’s very fake and you know we’ve got to get rid of this stigma that it’s a bad thing to reach out for help and to get some psychotherapy. It’s an amazing thing to develop yourself anyway wanting to fit on the tangent.
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah, it’s really.
Sebastiaan: Yeah, it’s really amazing.
Beatrice Alexander: And then how it changes your life. I mean you never have to be stuck. Anything is possible. You can always shift your life. You don’t have to be miserable. I’m stuck. Look at it and be real with it and then reach out to somebody to help you.
Sebastiaan: But it can be so difficult to believe that you can actually change. That’s one of the biggest blocks for people reaching out.
They think “Oh, I’m a tough case. You know, the severity of my fucked-up-ness is a lot worse than all the other people that I know off and for me there is no hope. And so I can’t change so why go out there? Because it’s difficult I got to get out of my comfort zone in order to do it.
It’s gonna take money it’s gonna take time and if it doesn’t work anyway because I’ve tried other things in the past and they didn’t work so why would this work? And the last time I tried something it took a lot of effort and I put everything into it and still I wasn’t getting any results. So, why would I do it now?”
Well, because there are different ways that lead to Rome. There’s not one way to leads to Rome. Theta healing is not the only way, tapping is not the only way, seeing a psycho psychotherapy is not the only way. There are like a hundred if not a thousand different ways to overcome your issue and get to a place where you’re okay with yourself.
But if you keep you know what’s the definition of insanity that they always say you keep doing the same thing and expect a different result you’re insane or something like that. I always butcher my little sayings but so yeah. Anyway, enough pep talks.
Beatrice Alexander: And I mean there’s a place for somebody’s suicidal or actively using substances or like crazy, crazy anxious or depressed then you know there’s a place for someone like that.
Sebastiaan: Right.
Beatrice Alexander: And then you know I would maybe refer somebody to psychotherapy. Maybe while they are working with me or you know before they worked with me to see a psychotherapist and then come to me.
Sebastiaan: Good point. Good point. A couple of years ago in the U.S. too, I don’t mean to… I mean a couple of years ago few years ago. I don’t know, three-four years ago I reached out to my mentor and had this long email and I’m saying things like “I get so easily pissed off with people. I’m really frustrated. I have no energy. I feel tired all the time. I’m losing my focus when my buddies telling me a story after 20 seconds I forget what he’s saying you know and I have these problems and I have this thing going on”.
He’s like you’re ripe for therapy. I’m like it’s not what I want to hear. I’ve gotten years and years of sessions and healing and all that stuff and now you’re telling me I’m right for therapy. And he said to me “Well, you’ve saved the best for last”. Alright, well, here we go. It’s the next leg of the journey and I’m beyond grateful that I’ve taken that step and you know I’m still growing. You’re never really done with it, but life continuously gets better and better and better the moment you actually start taking that action you start shifting these patterns around.
And you know, where I think energy psychology is limited is when you have a practitioner who just knows the energy psychology techniques and doesn’t really have much of a psychological understanding of the problem that you’re dealing with. So, I have gotten tremendous help from working with my mentor because he helped me see things that I wasn’t seeing myself.
He gave me perspectives that I couldn’t get to myself. He came up with metaphors and stories and insights and suggestions too and like realistic suggestions for dealing with really complex issues in the real world that I was simply too young to understand myself. And so, you know, that wasn’t like an energetic shift that I could get.
There was just some real live world, real world knowledge that I needed to get in order to shift things around. So, you know, I think the combination is just brilliant. Yeah, great I think we landed that plane as well. I think we’re kind of cool is that the landing the plane interview.
Anyway, so, I would like to ask you, why do you think other psychotherapists don’t really explore this weird world so much?
Beatrice Alexander: I don’t know. I don’t. I mean I guess it all depends on… I don’t know how to really say. I can only speak from for myself is that I already grew up with the weird stuff. I’ve always been weird.
Sebastiaan: You’ve been weird. Me too.
Beatrice Alexander: And I’ve always felt energy. And to me it’s just finally it’s like it’s my normal now it’s to work with energy. To me that’s the normal but I mean it has a spiritual component to it. And I guess you have to be maybe brave to go swim against the grain a little. I mean psychotherapy is a science and a lot of times science does not incorporate the component of spirituality which I think energy work and spirituality go hand-in-hand. So, maybe that’s why.
Because you have to step outside of the science. And that’s maybe some people that’s you know like I have a big identity still as a psychotherapist. I just renewed my license and I don’t practice psychotherapy but it’s still part of my sheriff star to help. So, yeah, maybe it would mean to give up a part of your identity.
Sebastiaan: Yeah, because you’ve done X amount X years of practice to become a psychologist then X years of you know…
Beatrice Alexander: It’s a long road.
Sebastiaan: And then you become all of a sudden, this weird person that does these bizarre energy techniques.
Beatrice Alexander: Right.
Sebastiaan: And they’re all so… It is it okay for everyone that who is a normal psychotherapist to just incorporate these energy psychology practices into their practice or is that all right if you’re a general psychotherapist?
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah, probably. I mean a lot of times it’s when somebody goes to sees a psychotherapist it has to do with health insurance. And health insurance only pays for you know certain modalities. So, I don’t think that certain modalities would be covered.
Sebastiaan: Right, okay. Gotcha.
Beatrice Alexander: And then that automatically takes it out its most type of psychotherapists works either at corporation or nonprofit or have their own practice where they bill insurance. So, in those scenarios it probably wouldn’t be an option.
Sebastiaan: Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay, I wanted to say something briefly about the science because there’s actually a lot of science backing up energy psychology and I just know it for tapping EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques which is really quick it’s a technique to reduce excessive and dysfunctional negative emotions. That’s the you know the Western world explanation. The “Woo -Woo” explanation is that you’re shifting energy around. So, there you go both explanations.
But studies have shown that doing that tapping technique reduces the production of cortisol which is your stress hormone and it increases your production of serotonin; your happy hormone and these biochemical responses create a sense of calm.
So, you tune in to the problem now you experience the negative emotion, or you experience the imbalance in your energy system or the “zzz” in your energy system and then the tapping sends little signals to wherever that imbalance is, and it balances your energy system. So, that’s the “Woo Woo” explanation. But doing that another explanation for it is that these hormones that are the chemical reaction that now creates a sense of calm but that’s not just one studies.
There are over a hundred studies done on the effectiveness of tapping and twenty of them have been published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. So, it’s the highest level of scientific requirement, validation… I forgot the word for it but the science is backing it up and yet it’s still not mainstream. So, yeah, more going on there.
But let me see if I still had an interesting question. Well, if I could have asked you something that would have allowed you to share something important what might I have asked you and how would you have answered it?
Beatrice Alexander: What?
Sebastiaan: What could I have asked you that would have been good for you to share about? Simple way of saying that.
Beatrice Alexander: Okay.
Sebastiaan: People love this question.
Beatrice Alexander: I used it really good as asking important questions.
Sebastiaan: Thank you.
Beatrice Alexander: And I guess to me it all comes down to what I feel, what excites me, what my mission is. Is that I want to let people know that they’re never stuck like you’re never stuck because at some point I was stuck, and I thought that was my life and I was so miserable. And it’s just not the truth.
I want people to know the truth and that’s what my whole program is about, it is to teach people the truth which is universal laws are the truth. It’s like one plus one is two and that’s the truth. Nobody will ever argue with that. It’s the truth here in Bali, it’s the truth in China, it is the truth in Italy, it’s just what it is. And that’s how it is with universal laws. They are functioning a certain way and once you understand universal laws you quickly realize that they are true and that makes life so much easier.
So, what I’m passionate about is to teach people how to align themselves with the truth with universal laws which is like you know, what’s the law of attraction. I know everybody probably knows the law of attraction, but it plays into every single moment of your life and you know, just to let people know what power they have. To attract something into their life. It’s not just the law of attraction if you think positive thoughts, positive will come back. Yeah, it’s true but it goes so much deeper than that.
Sebastiaan: Right.
Beatrice Alexander: So, once you know these things your life will completely change and that’s what happened to me. My life completely changed and now I live in Bali and I am just happy and grateful every day. Even when I’m not happy, I’m happy and I know that that’s possible for anybody and that’s what my work is all about.
That’s what I want to share is that you’re never stuck, that you have so many gifts and talents that are just waiting to be expressed. And sometimes we don’t even know what our gifts and talents are. So, I want to help people like dig them out underneath all this stuff that’s you know, I don’t know, conscious beliefs but society tells you should or shouldn’t do and all of that you know.
Fill out your talent and shine as bright as you can because that’s the ultimate fulfillment. That’s what you’re here for. And everybody has a super power. That is what my work is about and that is what I want to do.
Sebastiaan: Awesome, awesome. Well, I think this is a nice way to end it. Thank you very much for sharing your perspective coming from both sides. I think this is going to be really helpful.
Beatrice Alexander: Thank you for listening.
Sebastiaan: Yeah. So, if people wanted to you know get in touch with you or know more about you where would they go?
Beatrice Alexander: Yeah, you can send me a message on beatricealexander.com or you can connect with me through Facebook under Beatrice Alexander or my Facebook page via Beatrice Alexander – The quantum experience. And yeah, please reach out. I’d love to meet you.
Sebastiaan: Alright. Well, that’s a wrap. Done.
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