Conversation Questions Mastery Part 1/2:
I always wanted to know what excellent conversation questions were.
I desperately wanted to be an interesting conversation partner. I wanted them to walk off and think to themselves “Wow, Sebastiaan really is an interesting person to talk with”.
I feared being seen as boring or weird…
Since I’ve gotten over these insecurities, I’ve become aware of what is actually way more important than asking “excellent conversation questions”…
Excellent Conversation Questions – Here You Go!
Because I do want to give you what you came here looking for, I will now first give you a few excellent conversation questions that I use almost every time when I meet someone new.
After that we’ll dive into what is even more important to have great conversations.
Now you of course ask people different questions depending what situation you are in. It depends on location, who you know, how long you know the person, the age of the other person, how you know them etc.
Yet there are a few general excellent conversation questions you can almost always ask. Such as:
- What do you like to do for fun?
One of my favorite questions! You get the person to talk about a fun subject to them, which makes them feel good. And if people feel good around you, they enjoy talking to you. Plus, you might learn something cool that they do which you haven’t done before.
It happens to me from time to time that I’m sincerely excited about what that person does. Sometimes they then invite you to do that fun activity with them. I’ve gotten into free diving and have fired guns because of this for example.
- You play any sports?
Most people do at least some form of exercise. And you can bet money on it that they either hate it or love it. In any way, they have a lot of emotion attached to talking about it. So it’s a great topic to talk about and it’s easy to relate to it as well.
- Have you heard about/seen…?
You can phrase this question differently of course, but questions like these are pretty casual and you can simply ask about big current events/new movies e that are going on.
99% of the people are aware of the current events that are going on. And since you are probably not the first person to talk to them about it, they will have an opinion about it.
You can talk about the current event, their opinion and your own opinion. And this easily leads into other related topics.
- Where are you from?
I ask this one all the time because I meet a lot of people from different countries.
When this is not the case for you, you can still ask the question. They might come from a place you don’t know or the same place as you.
They might know people you know. You might know some stereo types about the place they live. You can ask them if they grew up there, what’s there to do for entertainment, what the hotspots are etc.
- What do you like best about your work/school?
This one you actually ask after you ask them what they do. That‘s an extremely common question.
But what you have to understand is that almost all people work or go to school the a lot of hours per week. That’s a long time and a big part of their lives.
Because of that, you can count on it that they have some things they like at their job.
Let them tell you about it.
- Do you like to travel?
You can substitute the topic “travel” with any other subject you are interested in. I happen to love traveling, so I enjoy talking about this with people. I’m sincerely interested in where they’ve been, how they experienced that culture and the people, what they didn’t like, if they have tips for me etc.
I can talk for hours and hours about this and all the questions I fire off are excellent conversation questions because I am truly interested in them.
It’s important in conversation to simply listen attentively to what the other person is saying. This way you don’t have to use your excellent conversation questions that you have read somewhere -though you can, it’s a nice back up-.
If you simply listen and really be interested and take a curious mindset, those questions will automatically come to you. You simply want to know about it.
But really, not knowing what to ask or what to say comes from your anxiety. When you feel anxious you don’t have access to your creative brain and basically, it makes you less intelligent at the moment you’re anxious because you can’t think of what to say! And then later you know exactly what to say…
Sounds familiar?
The permanent solution to not knowing what questions to ask, what to say or talk about or how to act is eliminating your nagetive emotions and limiting beliefs. But how?
Well, from the comfort of your own home, via my unique Social Confidence System I will guide you using videos, audios and articles using specific EFT sequences to feeling at ease in all social situations. This is not change your thoughts, be positive or anything else that only mildly works. This gets to the core and is proven to work. Try it out for 60 days risk-free!
When you want to ask people excellent conversation questions, simply ask people if they are interested in what you are interested in. Makes having conversations a whole lot of fun!
Go to “Conversation Questions Mastery” Part 2/2:
Questions To Keep Conversation Going?
“Become Comfortable Starting A Conversation With Anyone”
Go to Part 1/3: Asking Questions To Start Conversation?!
Go to Part 2/3: Conversation Starters For Every Situation
Go to Part 3/3: Asking Conversation Starter Questions…
“Starting Conversations 101”
Go to Part 1/4: Creating Interesting Conversation Starters
Go to Part 2/4: Steps To Creating Your Own Good Conversation Starters
Go to Part 3/4: How To Start Conversations
Go to Part 4/4: Mentally Rehearse Your Conversation Openers
“Conversation Topics Mastery”
Go to Part 1/2: 24 Interesting Conversation Topics
Go to Part 2/2: Conversation Exercises For Conversation Confidence
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