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Counseling For Social Anxiety Disorder Online

If you have been looking for counseling for social anxiety disorder, then you have probably found that it’s really challenging to find a good therapist.

You probably also noticed that there are little people that actually have experience in helping people overcome social anxiety disorder. And of those select few that do have experience counseling for social anxiety disorder, very few (if any) promise that you can fully overcome it completely.

And that is a problem. Because the truth is that you can feel completely comfortable and confident around anyone. No matter how bad your social anxiety is.

If You Do Nothing Else, WATCH THIS VIDEO

There is this big misconception about how possible it is to become completely free of it. Most, if not all therapists say, that it’s something that you will deal with for the rest of your life. They have all sorts of theories to “support” their belief. And because they believe that with their counseling for social anxiety disorder you can at best become really good at coping with it, those are exactly the best results you will get.

EFT is one of the advancements that are out there that once applied in the right way gets you results with counseling for social anxiety disorder many, MANY times faster than anything out there.

Candace Pert, PhD Author of Molecules of Emotion:

“EFT® is at the forefront of the new healing movement.”

And I’m talking about permanently being free of your social anxiety, not about symptom management.

When you use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) in the right way you will fully overcome your social anxiety disorder. And the results are lasting because you change the beliefs responsible for your SAD.

It is –while funny looking- a technique that makes you feel better after the first session.
It is a technique that can release your social anxiety disorder in a few weeks/months as opposed to becoming really good at managing your symptoms in months or years.

It is a technique that is gentle and allows you to overcome your social anxiety disorder from the comfort of your own home.

No exposure necessary, and no trips to your therapist. Applying EFT in the right way allows you to become completely comfortable and confident around anyone.

This technique is BY FAR the most powerful I have found to use in counseling for social anxiety disorder in a decade of searching, trying hypnosis, NLP, CBT, and just about any other self-help and healing technique out there.

I’ve suffered myself for 4-5 years of SAD, and many years of social anxiety. I made it my mission in life to be free of it. I now have been totally free of social anxiety for a long time. And I’ve been coaching people to go from SAD to feeling comfortable and at easy in all social situations for 3 years now (Jan 2012).

I have since I overcame it myself made it my mission to resolve social anxiety permanently. A long term vision, one that I have been working on every single day for the past 5 years. Of the insights I have gotten from my own journey, and doing counseling for social anxiety disorder with my clients (using EFT in the right way), I created 7 incredibly powerful free videos.

I highly recommend watching them, as they will change your perspective completely about what’s going on with you. It gives you a deep understanding and helps you to realize you’re not flawed. And it gives you hope and inspiration to be completely free of it. You will probably feel better about yourself already after just watching these videos.

Here they are.

If you want to know the specifics of my personal 1 on 1 counseling for social anxiety disorder Online, go HERE. I offer 1 on 1 Skype coaching. And since I know from experience we will get the results you are after, I offer a money back guarantee. Not something I have seen any other coach do.

That’s because I want you to know that this is for real. When you sign up for 1 on 1, then you understand that you are going to shift and change, feel great about yourself and finally be calm and confident in all social situations, feeling free to be yourself.

Get to know more about EFT here and if you feel anxious when you think about getting coached online, then keep in mind that I’m an ex sufferer myself, and that I am aware that there’s nothing wrong with you, but that your subconscious mind is just producing anxiety as a result of your beliefs.

If you wish to work through it yourself, then the EFT based Social Confidence System guides you through it completely. See the steps here. And check out the video explaining how I will take you through it here:

Get the Social Confidence System here (I want you to succeed. And you will. And because I know that when you put in the effort you will get the rewards I am offering a satisfaction guarantee. 60 days money back guarantee.)

Curtis Steele, MD, Canada: “EFT® has been, for me, the single most effective technique I’ve used in my 45 years of practice as a psychiatrist. I’ve had success with panic, social anxiety and many other disorders.“

If you experience Social Anxiety, click below to receive the FREE “7 Secrets to Social Confidence” Mini Course!

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