Since the beginning of 2011 I live in Thailand. Since most of my clients are from outside of Asia I am flexible in my availability for coaching sessions, which allows us pretty much always to find a time and date to meet for our sessions.
A coaching session lasts for 90 minutes and I am able to coach you between 9AM (that’s in the morning) and 1AM (that’s an hour past midnight) MY TIME.
The earliest I can start a coaching session is 9AM my time and
the latest I can start a coaching session is 1AM my time
(which then ends 2:30AM my time. Yes I’m a night person :-)).
To see my timezone and to see what time it is in Thailand right now, go here: MY TIME
I am available for coaching sessions on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I am not available during the weekends.
If you have any questions, please feel free to use the contact for below and ask your questions. I will get back to you within 24 hours max.
Kind regards,
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